Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer


I took a little time off this week before my new class starts on-campus next week. It would be really nice to have things a little more settled, as it’s a pretty intense time for me too, and I have barely got my clothes out of boxes yet! I was hoping to get more done, but we made some really great progress.

I spent most of Tuesday painting…

My office to be is now Spring green. Technically Behr calls it ‘Glass Tile’, but Martin walked in and said it looked like Spring, and that made me happy. My office painted Spring green.

You can also see that my desk legs arrived. The legs adjust up & down so you can sit or stand. Woot! Martin put them together and tested them out earlier this week, so now they are ready to go once the desktop is finished.

Martin has been working on that a bit too. This isn’t quite wide enough for the desktop, so maybe it’ll become a shelf for the monitors. The plan is to stain it a dark color like the floor. Part of my new desktop after sanding.

I also got our bedroom painted. I really like this color too. It’s a little darker than I expected, but it is so relaxing. It’s called something like Garden Vista, but Martin came in and said it looked like “Israeli Defense Blue” and now that’s what it will forever be in my mind. It also got bonus points for being similar to his RC truck “Val” (named in memory of our kitty princess). Our bedroom painted.

Looking at the rooms the next day, there’s quite a few spots where it didn’t cover well, so it’ll need a second coat. I also decided that I couldn’t stand the half-assed painting job on the ceiling, so I started painting the ceilings today as well. It must have been a cream color at one point (or just old dingy white) that was painted over, but they didn’t cover it well, so you see shapes of the not painted ceiling if you look at it. It bugs me, and I figured it would be way easier to paint and fix now while there is no furniture up there and most of the floor is still not in.

We had breakfast with Martin’s dad and sister this morning, and then ran some errands. We needed more supplies for painting and the stairs, so Home Depot was the first stop, then we stopped at DVS to get our driver’s licenses updated. Fortunately the office is in the library so I got a new library card too. It’s nice that the library is only a few streets away! Still, all this meant that we didn’t get started on work until it was almost 3PM. Since we need daylight to do pretty much anything, that cut our work day short.

On the bright side, our floor vents finally arrived today, and we’ve sorted out materials for the area around the stairs. (That’s what Martin was working on while I was painting.) That sets us up pretty nicely to get the floors finished this weekend, and hopefully the painting too. I’m optimistic on being able to settle somethings in this weekend. Fingers crossed!