Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Progress on Rooms

We made some great progress this weekend. We have all our floor vents, stair trim, and stair treads stained to match the flooring. It’s not a perfect match, but it’s really good!

Staining the stairs & trim pieces.

The type of wood is different and you can see that in the wood grain. Plus this stuff hasn’t been distressed like the main flooring has. However the color is a good match, and who is going to pay that much attention to floor vents and the stairs anyway?

We also got the floors & painting completed in my office and our bedroom. Woot!!! The walls got a second coat of color and I painted the ceilings to clear up the dingy white with streaks. It is so pretty!!! The pictures don’t really do it justice.

The work in my office around the closet and floor vent more time than we expected because of all the custom cutting. It took just about as much time to finish the last three rows of flooring in my office as it did initially to lay the floor across the rest of the room! Whatever… I’m just happy that it is done! Woot!

My office with paint and floor!

Next steps for the office will be getting the desktop finished and stained. Martin’s been working on that in his spare time. That basically means while I’m at work taking a break from the house remodel, he is still at it! He’s so awesome!!!

The bedroom went a little better as there was less ripping needed, but there were a lot more short cuts (< 10 inches from the end) needed on the long 8 foot boards. That was harder to work with in our condensed space, so it was a bit slower too. Now that it is done though, I must say it looks really awesome.

Our bedroom with paint and floor!

Again, the picture doesn’t do it justice. I had to use flash to get it to show at all. However, I just love this paint color. It looks more green in the daylight and more blue at night, which makes for a very peaceful space. The room is super big too! What will we do with all this space?!

We got a lot done and it feels really good to see stuff finally coming together. We’ll aim to get the rest of the floor upstairs done this next weekend. But then there is still all the trim. There are also few interior doors at the moment… One step at a time though, right?!