Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Living & Dining Room Floors

Woot!!! We’ve got flooring in the main living areas now! The living room & dining room are finally rocking their new awesome dark flooring look.

Dining Room with flooring done.

Living Room with flooring done.

Stairway & Hall with flooring done.

We got the remainder of the hallway & living room on Saturday and made it about halfway through the dining room. Then finished it all up on Sunday. The hallway was pretty slow going since we hand to face nail all but the first row we did. The last row too had to be stripped and fitted perfectly to all the doorways too. Fortunately the dining room went quickly up to the last bit around the air vent and wall.

I did manage to smack my finger a few times this weekend. Not sure what my problem was, but it got two good solid whacks with the hammer without much more than a good owie, before the 3rd broke a blood vessel and left it with a throbbing blood blister. Should have known things couldn’t go too well.

We’re aiming to finish up the last bits of incomplete flooring this next weekend. We still have half Martin’s office unfinished, since we’ve been using it as a work room, and then the master bedroom closet hasn’t been finished yet either.

There is also still trim to put down and the stairway & entry to finish, but I feel like this is a major victory! With all that flooring gone, we can now finish up some painting and maybe finally move in a little. I know the cats will be happy to have a little less chaos too. Woo-hoo!