Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Return of the TV

After work tonight we moved in our living room furniture! There was a bit of a hunt for the wall mount hardware for the TV, but Martin remembered what type of container it was in, so I was able to dig it out of the under-stair storage. Now we have PS4 & Switch gaming again, and we have streaming video back. Watch out Crunchyroll, here I come!

Watching the Shinkansen on the TV.

Don’t look at the bald spots on the ceiling!!! or the unfinished side wall… or the cat butt…

We were a little worried that the TV wouldn’t survive the overnight in the moving truck at -30F, but things seem fine. Of course we tested by streaming Season 1 of Mighty Trains from Amazon. That’s Dr. Yellow, the Shinkansen diagnostic train.

Have I mentioned that I think the Shinkansen is awesome?! We were just discussing the need for a new coffee table, since the current one belongs with the basement futon furniture. The plan is for Martin to build a new one with a glass top and built in z-scale model train layout for my Series 500 Shinkansen Type EVA. Dreams…

Anyhow, it’ll be so awesome to come home and settle in after work with some streaming anime & games. Now, maybe I can finally finish Zelda Breath of the Wild. Plus, Saturday anime night can be a thing again! Just in time for an extended weekend visit from Christy too! Woot!