Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Moving into the Bedroom

We got some good work in over the last week. Martin got a lot of the trim cut, painted and put into some of the rooms. I managed to finally finish staining my desk. We had a pretty productive week.

The Dining Room in the morning.

We also started filling up the bookshelf behind the couch. We haven’t had this out an in use in years… It used to live in the basement shared office of the old place, back when there was finished space there. That was maybe 7-8 years ago.

Books on the bookshelf.

Funny thing is that while some of these have made the move with us, there’s a good number of new additions to the collection since we’ve been here too. I think we’re going to need a little library space downstairs once we get started on that work.

My goal for this weekend was to get us moved upstairs into the new master bedroom, and to wrap up some of the projects that are almost, but not quite, finished - painting, floors, the ugly spots in the ceiling. We kicked off Saturday with breakfast at Jensen’s, followed up by a trip to home depot & then dove into finishing up the floor for Martin’s office. Again, that darn in-floor vent made the going a little tough with all the detailed cutting, but we did manage to get it finished up. We did decide then that we weren’t doing any more flooring until tomorrow though.

Martin spent the remainder of the day finishing up work on his desk. He planned to use the legs from my old desk, but they aren’t quite tall enough for him, especially with a keyboard tray. So he added some wood blocks under between the desk and legs to lift it. He also repurposed some round rods from the old closets to use between the legs as support.

Martin's office and desk.

That left me to finish up the wiring of our 3-way light switch in the entryway, which had been left unfinished from my Thursday attempt. (We had the wrong type of switch, but didn’t realize that until after spending 2 hours troubleshooting it with a flashlight in the dark. Woot!) With a little more moral support from Dad over the phone it was finally conquered! Then I wrapped up replacing the outlets throughout the upstairs, which was easy-peasy after the light-switch fiasco.

My desk is also looking good! Martin made risers, to hold my monitor shelf, and we painted those white to match the legs and our trim. I never imagined it would turn out this amazing!

My desk in the old closet.

We got a slightly later start on things Sunday, but after a Cracker Barrel, country fried steak breakfast and yet another trip to Home Depot, we were ready to go! We got the bedroom closet floor finished up just after noon, and finally the upstairs hardwood flooring work was complete! Woot!!!

We didn’t have enough light switches yesterday to replace those along with the outlets, so that was my next Sunday task. Of course, there would have to be one more 3-way switch to swap… I was intent on not having the same troubles as with the entry way, but alas, it didn’t go as smootly as intended. My plan was to take the wire off one switch and put it on the other so that I wouldn’t lose track of what was what. Of course that didn’t work. The darn switches had the poles positioned differently. ARGH!!! Fortunately my previous experience with the hall taught me excellent troubleshooting technique. It took about an hour, but we now have fancy lighted switches in the hall that work great!

We wrapped up the day by turning our less than stellar view of the neighbor’s house & deck into a stained glass window with some art film. I must say, it’s pretty cool. It blocks a lot of light along with that view, but that should be fine once we get a fan & light put in the ceiling.

The new stained glass look on the bedroom window.

We then moved the bed upstairs and got things settled in a bit. Of course the closet isn’t really a closet yet, so we can’t move out of the boxes, but this is still a move in the right direction. We haven’t quite sorted out how we are going to best use this closet space. Considering some different closet storage solutions and need to do some thoughtful planning first there. Perhaps next weekend…

Bed and boxes moved upstairs.

We’ve been waiting since Christmas for a special occassion to enjoy the Champagne that Miki gave us. We initially thought we’d do it after the move, but with everything a mess, that didn’t seem quite right. So we decided we’d open it once the floors were all in. Well, that day is finally here, so cheers!

Celebratory Champagne.