Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Setup of My Office

I spent a little time late Sunday night setting up my other, non-computer desk… OK, so maybe it was more than a little. The setup instructions were long gone after it’s initial assembly at the old place, and we never thought to take pictures or anything before taking it apart for the move.

UGH! What a mess this was. If the piece could have gone together wrong on the first pass it did, and each wrong piece was discovered and fixed one at a time. It was about 8:30 when I started this project, and 11:30 when it was finally finished.

Most of my non-computer desk.

OK, so it wasn’t really finished. Of course there’s still one piece missing to hold up the little rounded corner piece that puts the two sides together. Martin managed to turn that up in the garage the next night.

On Sunday, I also brought my computer up from the basement along with some of the boxes of stuff, but didn’t really get a chance to put things together. I spent some time after work on Monday to get everything connected, and then celebrated with a little anime while key farming in GW2. Woot!

My computer is setup!

Yes that is Abby hiding behind the left monitor. She is snoozing there while Rosie makes her morning rounds.

Of course, once again it still wasn’t completely finished. My speakers were still missing. Fortunately Martin found them Tuesday morning. So I was able to finish the setup Tuesday evening and have some sound without headphones. Of course, we have no doors yet, so I’m thinking the use of headphones is probably still the polite thing to do anyhow.

My goal for the office is to keep some open space on the floor to do a little bit of yoga. I am feeling quite stiff these days and need to get into some better habits with stretching and a little more exercise. Somewhere there’s an old Nintendo Wi with a FitBoard and WiYoga that I’d like to get setup and connected to one of those monitors. In the meantime, I did find my yoga mat, bolster and some foam blocks. So now the challenge will be to get in the habit of using them.

While most of my books are still boxed up in the garage, I made a point to keep the Japanese textbooks separate. I lost that DuoLingo streak shortly after posting about it, but in all this chaos it’s amazing I made it that far. So with my office back in order, and a desk to work at, that’s another habit to return to. DuoLingo is great, but being able to write will help too.