Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Mores Doors & Hall Closet

So this weekend was a bit of a break for us. We had some plans to finish painting the entry way, but never quite got there. Martin and I spent most of Saturday working on our offices and settling in a bit more. In the morning, he finished up the drawers for the hallway cabinet. Then spent the rest of the afternoon in his office. He set up a modeling table and got more of his stuff moved in.

The hallway cabinet has drawers.

I also decided that I wanted a spot to read (or nap) and moved the little futon into my office. The cats seem to like it.

My cats love the office futon!

Sunday morning we put together our DVD cabinet for the living room. Then installed the remaining two doors along the upstairs hallway, so now we have a spiffy bedroom and bathroom door too. The bedroom door went in super easy, so we thought we had become dooring masters. Then we got to the bathroom door. It probably should have been a size smaller, because there wasn’t much space to work with between the door and frame. It was an amazing pain in the a$$ to install, so instead of painting afterwards, we decided to call the work done for the day.

We have all the doors in!

I then proceeded to relieve my remaining frustration by dying my hair again. It had almost faded out all the remaining Halloween Yona-red, so I decided to try purple one more time and see if it would both last a little longer and feel like less of a princess party without as much pink. Just in case though, I decided to do the bottom a darker magenta-purple (I think they call it Bright Orchid) and the top lavendar. I think it’s a bit grape soda now, but I think I like it well enough that I’d consider doing it this way again. I’ll have to wait to see how it fades as it washes out…

My fancy purple hair and snoozing cats.