Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Clothes in the Closet!

At long last, the work on our bedroom closet is finished, and our clothes have been unpacked and hung. It’s a little cramped and there’s no light, but it’s hard to care. I’m just so happy to have all my clothes back!!!

I didn’t end up putting in the shelves that I had planned, as we really needed the hanging space. But otherwise, it went more or less as planned. Installing all the closet hardware was not the most pleasant of tasks. We had a good amount of improvising to do to get things in and secured, especially since our corner shelf pieces were apparently designed to connect with a different shelf set. On top of that, it is no where near square in the corners, and the right side is also just the slightest bit more narrow than the left,getting smaller as you go up the wall. Woot!

Bedroom closet shelf - hacking the install.

I debated painting the wood strips either white or green to match the closet, but in the end I decided that I’d rather just be done.

Martin taking care of the other side.

The closet really isn’t very big, about 3’ x 7’, so it’s a tight fit with the drawers in there. We really can’t both be in there at the same time either. Still, we managed to get pretty much everything in, and wisely I think, we’ve decided to leave the door off.

Clothes in the closet, my side. Clothes in the closet, Martin's side with Kyo.

We should have an electrician in this coming week to install a ceiling light in the closet, along with lights for the bedroom &our offices too. Right now you can’t see at all in the closet without that little batter powered work light.

Martin will also get around to trimming the doorway at some point, but none of the doors or windows have trim yet so the closet is not alone. He’s making all the trim, and ran something like 40 pieces of wood through the router last week. He was painting some of it this morning too. In the mean time, the clothes are hung, so as far as I’m concerned the closet is done. Finally!!!

I’m happy to have my clothes back. I didn’t realize how much I missed some of my stuff! I’m glad to have all my cute T-shirts back, and to be able to wear something other than the same 5-6 shirts and two pairs of jeans. Now, I’ve got spring/summer clothes again just in time for the weather to warm. Of course I also now have all my winter clothes back too, just in time to not wear them for another 6 months. ^.^

Saturday, we also got the upper part of the entry way painted, thanks to the scaffolding that Dave loaned us. We also got the stairway trim painted, so soon we will have stairs too!

Upper part of the entry way is painted

Kyo has developed a new “I’m stressed out” behavior over the move & re-modeling work. He hunts down his favorite beaver toy and carries it around howling. It’d be cute if he wasn’t so darn loud. Just when Abby gave up the midnight mouse hunt (basically doing the same thing but gathering all the toy mice), Kyo picks it up. Fortunately he tends to do it in the daytime.

Kyo with his beaver toy.

We got a good amount of work done, pretty much exactly what we had planned. Woot! That left a rather peaceful Sunday afternoon to have lunch with Dave. We had planned to hit the new Snuffy’s on 98th in Bloomington, but they were closed for Easter, so we went back to Jensen’s instead. As usual, no one was disappointed, and it wasn’t too busy for Easter either, though a lot of it might have cleared up by the time we got there at 1PM.

Happy Easter everyone!