Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Finishing touches

So, there really wasn’t a weekend project this last weekend, which is good because I ended up getting sick. But it’s also good because that means that we’re getting toward the end of all this crazy work too.

Friday we got our gutter guard put in so that we won’t have to be up on the roof scooping out and cleaning gutters. Woot! They also came to take the measurements for our replacement windows and patio door. The install is scheduled for the end of May. I’m excited to see that done too!

Saturday morning we put in the last bit of the wood floors in the entry way. Martin had also previous finished off the last of the green paint, which painted most but not all of it. We also put in the last bit of trim around the top of the stairs too. It looks pretty good.

On Sunday we started to hang some of our pictures and stuff on the walls, though that took a few days (and still isn’t all done) because some of is missing the hanging hardware. We hung some stuff of Martin’s out in the living room and hallway, and we put my Snow Queen and Summer Queen in the dining room, though I’m not sure that I really like them together there…

I also have all my anime stuff up in my office now too!
Fruits Basket, Ruroni Kenshin, Rytlok, & Moogle! Samurai X. Inuyasha.

I’m a little delayed in doing the weekend update, so I can also add that the electrician came today and we now have lights in our offices as well as a ceiling fan in the bedroom and light in the closet. Woot! I can see my clothes!

I can see that the LED lights in the offices will be a problem though. They are very daylight, so I could easily be up all hours of the night in there and still think it was the middle of the afternoon. Maybe dimmer switches for these would help to maintain some sense of biorhythm sanity.