Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Spring is Here!

We’ve been taking it relatively easy on projects the last two weeks, but it’s not like nothing has been happening. We’ve got another dumpster and have started the basement flooring & bathroom tear out. There are also little projects here and there too.

Martin’s still working on trim, and he’s started making us a new bed frame with storage drawers underneath. I’m hoping it’ll also have something of a bookshelf headboard. It wouldn’t necessarily have to be for books… I’m imagining it as more a spot for the alarm and reading lamp, and perhaps even a cat or two or three - that’d be particularly nice.

It’s also been relatively nice the last few days, so it is once again feeling like spring is here. We’ve got some spring blossoms out back too!

Spring flowers.

I have been trying to take it easy on work at home, so that I’m not using my right arm. It’s been a little sore for a while now - pretty much since moving. I think it’s tennis elbow or some sort of over-use strain. It’s been annoying, but not too problematic. However recently it’s gotten worse. It hurts to lift anything with that arm, even a cup of tea. I know I should probably go get it checked out, but it’s such a pain… Do I go see my regular doctor? Find some sort of specialist? UGH!

Instead, I’ve spent the last few weekends napping, gaming, and reading. It’s been really nice, as I haven’t been feeling so well after that cold either. Last week was a little hectic at work too, so I was exhausted by Friday. It’s also been cold and gloomy, so that may play a part too. For the most part I am feeling better this week. Hopefully that’ll last through the rainy weekend. I’ve been trying to make a better effort at eating well, getting enough sleep, and doing a little exercise in the morning on the Wii Fit. Hopefully that will pay off too.