Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Summer Gifts

It’s graduation week for my Atbash cohort at Prime, so presents for everyone! OK, so the “presents” are not really related, but I wanted to work in there that they are graduating on Friday. They are doing client project presentations at noon today, and I really should be practicing my intro… Instead, I’m working on the blog. I’m not procrastinating, really, this just fits the bus ride better. ^.^

When we bought the house, the previous owner left us a big John Deer riding mower. Since the yard is pretty big, seemed like a win. Martin got it out yesterday to do our first mow, and it drove fine, but seems like the mowing parts have some issues. Martin thinks it needs new wheel bearings… Called someone to get it fixed, and the work is backed up 4 weeks, and the cost would almost be that of a new mower. So, we got a new push mower, which honestly is probably better for the exercise anyway. The old one is up on Next Door, and hopefully we can get at least the cost of the new mower for it.

Martin and I have been watching Attack on Titan for our Friday anime nights, and I keep telling him how badass Mikasa Akerman is. So, he surprised me yesterday at work sending me this text message…

Mikasa box on my desk!

That’s my desk with that lovely RAH figure of Mikasa sitting on it. I was totally surprised, as I had no idea he was going to do something like that. <3

It’s an amazingly awesome figure.

My RAH Mikasa figure.

Her hair can either hang straight or be blowing in the wind. There are different faces with different expressions to swap in and out, and interchangeable hands to hold gear, make fists, or leap through the air. The jacket is real leather, she’s got her trademark scarf, and the cape is wired to make it look like it’s blowing in the wind too. She can be all fitted up with the 3D gear too!