Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Grilling on the Deck

Work on the deck is mostly done, stairs have been stained. It’s just the underneath and sides left now. Martin’s been busy designing and making a new table for our Big Green Egg. It’s finally finished & we’ve moved our new grill out.

New grill and table.

We had our first little grill-fest with lots of hamburgers, hotdogs, & brauts to keep us going all week.

The green backyard.

The deck should be a great place to kick back and relax once we’ve got somewhere to sit. It’s been fairly nice so far this summer. There are so many trees and a lot of shade. We’ve been able to keep the windows open and enjoy the fresh air. Not that there haven’t been days that are super hot, where the a/c is appreciated, but this is a nice change from the old place where it was all sun and little to no shade and the a/c ran overtime for half the year.

Martin’s dad should be back at home next weekend, so we’re hoping to have everyone over for a 2nd round of grill-fest!