Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

New Bed

With the deck pretty much done, Martin is switching gears to get the garage cleaned out for the cars. We’ve had a new bed in the works, and while it’s still a work in progress, it’s now done enough to move in.

New bed frame moved in.

We’re still working on the drawers for the base. They’re functional though, and the drawers are huge. Woot!

Drawers added.

We have them in, but they are missing the drawer fronts to cover the gap around the edges.

Drawers close up.

We’re still negotiating a bit on how the drawer fronts should work. Martin got drawer pulls for them, which you can see in the picture, but at lunch last weekend, Dave mentioned having a cutout along the edge to pull the drawer open, and I when I heard that I thought it was a better idea. Who wants to be kicking or bumping those pulls in the middle of the night or early morning?! I think we’ve just got the pulls on as a test-it-out sorta thing for now, but I’m also not sure if we can pull off making a cutout… We’ll just have to see where this goes.

I’m also hoping to get a bookshelf headboard out of this bed-making adventure. We talked about it a bit, but then it got left behind while the base and drawers were in the works. We looked at some example pictures last night, so hopefully it’ll take off again. I keep hoping that the cats might like sleeping on the headboard vs squishing us into bed, but we’ll have to see if that pays off.

We also had the Save A Tree folks out today to take care of about half the more pressing tree work. We have a lot of trees now, most of which haven’t gotten the attention they needed before. Several need to be removed entirely, but only one of the smaller ones came out today. Out big tree out front got a good pruning and looks amazing now.

Honey Locust in the front.

They’ll be back in the winter to take care of an older crab apple that is facing some disease from the moisture and leaf/yard debris that’s been left around it. They’ll also do a bit more of the needed pruning and cleanup on our bigger tree out back then too. I love the bigger yard, but with that comes a lot more work and responsibility too…

My current Prime cohort is almost finished with Tier 2 - the lecture heavy & more Mary exhausting part - so I expect that house projects will pick back up in another week or so. There’s still so much to do!