Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Welcome Atbash

My new Prime cohort started their on-campus time this morning!

Atbash cohort first week.

This is cohort number 4! Despite the early start and having to leave an hour earlier, I was so excited to see them start! Woot! So excited to be working with you Atbash!

To honor their fresh start I also dyed up my hair again last night. I had been planning to go with the Yona red/magenta again, but fate stepped in. I didn’t have any more dye that color & the bleaching & toning left some purple tones in my hair to start. (I probably left the toner in longer than I should have.) So instead I opted to use the remaining Smokey Amethyst dye that I had from earlier last year, but didn’t get my hair bleached light enough to actually use. I’ve been using a 30 developer for the 8-9 months, so it’s become pretty consistently light under all that pink now.

The first attempt at coloring it didn’t take too well. It did dye the faded red and middle section of my hair well, but the newer parts and the ends didn’t take the color at all. Of course it was about midnight when I got to this point (busy day). I did not want to got to work with the weird white/purple/pink look, so I decided to burn up the last tube of the dye and give it one more go. I think that this tube was actually a bit more purple, but I also decided to just sleep with it in and wash it out in the morning.

Whether it was the second go, the new dye, or just more time, it definitely came out more purple in the morning. And the pink/red has a bit more purple color to it as well. It kinda looks like there was a princess party in my hair, but it does look kinda cool. Honestly, I’m not sure I like the light purple tones with my complexion. I still think I should stick to warmer colors overall, but it’s growing on me. I also still have 2 tubes of Lavender dye as well, so who knows what the future will hold.

My new grey-violet and pink do.