Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Playfair Graduation

My 5th Prime cohort graduated today. Woot!!! Congratulations Playfair!

We had an awesome graduation day. We started things out by making panda masks out of paper plates, since we were the Playfair Pandas. Then headed off to breakfast at the Bacon Social House. I had some amazing Boozy French Toast there. It will not soon be forgotten.

Playfair at the Bacon Social House.

After lunch we passed off senior status to the next cohort Polybius - with the _BEST_ handoff ever. I’m sworn to secrecy so can’t say more, but yes, it was amazing.

For once I managed to get a view of the cake before it was cut. So while talking about best things every… This cake is *AMAZING*. I keep asking where we get it from then forgetting, but if I ever needed a celebration cake, this is the one I’d get.

Playfair's graduation cake: Console.log(Congratulations);

Finally we got to graduation. I made it through speaking fairly well this time, though the voice was getting a little rough. However when they thanked me with a cute little stuffed panda and one of my favorite bottles of sake there were some tears. I guess I just need to get over it and say: what’s a graduation without them?

Anyhow, our new grads were looking great in those Prime hoodies!

Playfair in their graduation hoodies.