Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Trifid Graduation

My 6th Prime Cohort, Trifid, graduated today! Woot! So proud of them all, and can’t wait to see what adventures await them next as they embark on their new career journey.

Here they are in all their Prime hoodie glory…

Trifid graduation pic

Before graduation, we did some celebratory bowling over lunch, which was a blast! My arm is still weak & recovering a bit from the tennis elbow situation, but I managed one round. We started a 2nd, and I tried to go lefty, but that was one gutter ball after another. I did hit a few pins by about the 5th bowl, but I’m glad we ran out of time there and couldn’t finish that round.

Trifid bowling at Elsie's.

I’m so excited to see them set out on this next leg of their journey. But I’m also really going to miss them. They were an awesome class.