Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Dijkstra Graduation

Since we couldn’t get everyone together for an official graduation ceremony, we did it over Zoom. So here’s our Zoom graduation picture.

Dijkstra Zoom graduation pic

I delivered their graduation certificates to the Gold Medal Park in Minneapolis, near the Prime campus, Friday morning and we cheated a bit for this park picture. One of us was out of town, but we got the others together for a little bit of farewell fun.

Most of Dijkstra at the park

I had a bit of an adventure on the way back as my tire blew out on the way home.

The blown-out tire

It happened on the highway, which was highly inconvenient as I didn’t realize at first what happened. Fortunately I got pulled off and had an amazing gentleman and his son offer to help me out putting on the spare. I really appreciated it as it was about 1:30, and I still needed to get home in time for the Zoom graduation starting at 3. We got it done in no time and he also pointed me to the closest Discount Tire to get a new one. Also great as I didn’t feel comfortable getting back on the highway with the little spare. They got me a new tire and I managed to scoot into graduation just a wee bit late - they stalled a bit for me. It’s these little things that make me remeber the world isn’t such a bad place after all. Woot!

The day ended on a bit of a sad note however as Martin’s dad passed away. We may not be married now, but they’ve been my family for the last 11 years, and a piece of paper does little to erase the feelings I’ve developed for them over the years.