Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Paxos Graduation

Woot! Paxos has officially graduated! Bird up!

It was so awesome to celebrate with them for the first time in person today out at Gold Medal park in downtown Minneapolis. It was also so hard to believe that was the first time we’ve all met in person. Of course after 20 weeks of intense online learning together it’s hardly surprising that they’re just as close as any of my in-person cohorts.

Paxos together in the park.

Graduation itself was later in the afternoon and quite the adventure it was! We got a K-Pop dance performance as well as a poetry recital! It was pretty awesome! They definitely ensured that the Paxokeets would not be forgotten.

Paxos Zoom Graduation.

I was also gifted a little mix kit with some fresh lemon, lime and vodka. Woot! Thanks Ross! Seems I have at least a little mixology talent. This made for a lovely evening.

My vodka-lime graduation drink.