Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Vatti Graduation!!!

Woot! My Vatti cohort graduated today! Wacka, wacka!

This is the first cohort to graduate where I just haven’t been able to see any of them in person ever! (Too cold to do an outdoor park certificate hand-off this time!)

Prime Vatti Cohort

It’s a little weird to think we’ve never met in person, but at the same time, it doesn’t feel at all like these are people I don’t know. We’ve had a great time together and have gotten to know each other so well despite being entirely remote.

Got my stickers updated with the Vatti Pacman! Wacka, wacka! Prime Stickers w/ Vatti Pacman

I’m going to miss having y’all in class, but can’t wait for that first happy hour!