Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Prime Cohorts (Dec 2017 - July 2021)

I loved working at Prime Digital Academy. It’s probably been the most impactful thing that I’ve ever done, both for me personally and for the community around me. It’s an amazing experience to be part of an environment so focused on helping people to envision and make a change in their lives.

Prime is a little different than other bootcamp or immersion programs. The focus is broader than just stuffing people full of tech skills, though frankly that is done really well. The extras develop the most amazing and capable engineers: career & soft skills, exploration of (tech) culture issues ranging from diversity to design & accessibility, and perhaps most importantly communication, specifically public speaking. I wish I had this type of guidance when I was starting out.

Most of my Prime life is personal and not something to share, but I've really wanted to keep a little history here of my Prime cohorts. Something to look back at and remember the wonderful adventures that we all shared together.

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