Mary Mosman Software Engineer, Instructor, & Curriculum Designer

Trifid in class

My birthday is now passed. I had an awesome birthday breakfast and a quiet relaxing weekend of binge watching anime. I have Ange to thank for that, as I pulled together a lovely anime watch list for her last week, and then followed up by rewatching some of those shows myself. I finished up Demon Slayer early on Saturday, then hopped back into watching Haikyu!! which I’d never found time to finish earlier. (There’s a lot of episodes!!!)

I’ve also been reading a great book The Cry for Myth by Rolo May. It’s a much easier read than his earlier book Love and Will, which I had to return to the library mostly, but not quite, finished.

Anyhow, I suppose I like this one better as I feel it speaks more to the emptiness I find within me for a connection to the past, a history or tradition. I could go on about this for quite a bit, but I think I’ll save it for my review when I’m finished. This is the first book I’ve wanted to savor slowly in a while. It gives me a lot to think about and reflect on chapter to chapter.

Now I’m back in the swing of class at Prime with my 6th Prime cohort, Trifid. Woot!

Trifid Cohort - Day 2.